Sunday, September 11, 2016

5 Steps To Lucid Dreaming

Do you want to be able to control your dreams, decide what to dream about, sleep better, and feel better? Lucid Dreaming is the ability to control your dreams, and become self aware in your sleep. Lucid Dreaming can be confusing and difficult to learn. BUT this guide teach you the best way to learn it, which will save you a lot of time. By learning a few key principles and techniques, you can train your mind to realize its dreaming.Normally, when we dream, the part of your mind responsible for awareness is turned off.It can be trained to turn on during REM sleep.This allows you to feel like youre awake but also control your actions and various things in the dream world!Special bonus offer Free Ebook on dream meditation. Meditation is an important part of lucid dreaming, and it can seriously boost your results and have you lucid dreaming FASTER.Not only that, meditation will make you feel better in all areas of your life.The benefits of meditation are too... ...Readmore

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