Sunday, September 11, 2016

Turn Your Readers Into Email Subscribers

Content Upgrades Pro Is A Premium Plugin For Wordpress That Allows You To Create Email Optin Boxes Right Within Your Articles. This Tactic Can Convert Up To 30% Of Readers Into Email Subscribers. Content Ipgrades : You put a piece of bonus material into your article, and make people give you their email address in order to get it. So simple and yet so amazingly effective! I immediately started looking for ways to create content upgrades on my own blog. But all the solutions were either too pricey or too painful to setup and use. So I decided to develop my own Wordpress plugin that would be easy to use and won't charge me every single month. Fast forward two months and a few thousand dollars spent - the plugin was ready for a test run! I published a few articles with content upgrades in them and guess what happened next? 300% increase in site-wide email conversions! ...Readmore

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