Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Quest For An Objective Basis For Rights (Crowding The Island Ebook)

There are so many claims about rights that confusion and conflict are inevitable. Is there some way to determine an objective basis for rights so that most philosophers can decide which rights truly are imporatant and resolve some of the conflicts all over the world? Can we take an expedition into our minds, our knowledge, to discover this basis among what we have already learned? A good understanding of history is a great tool to use to examine how humans have developed all of the confusing claims about rights. We might have to poke past the boxes that have been built around these concepts. We may challenge some contemporary views of rights. We may bring up some controversial subjects. But this quest must first and foremost accept whatever truths it finds, even some we may not have been looking for. A new ebook titled "Crowding the Island" conducts a quest for an objective basis for rights so that can solve some of the worst conflicts on the planet, if the politicians will only implement such solutions. You can own a copy of this groundbreaking ebook for just $19. Order your copy below!...Readmore

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