Saturday, September 10, 2016

Dare To Change Your Job And Your Life

Be All You Were Born To Be! Move Beyond Traditional Thinking About Careers. Dare To Change Provides An Integrated Perspective On How You Grow And Change Through Life And How You Make Major Decisions. "Questers" Show You How To Move Forward. Are You Wondering What To Do With Your Life?Do you: * wish you could understand and control your life and career? * want to adapt and succeed in changing times? * feel empty or stymied? * know somethings missing but you cant put your finger on it? If so, the award winning, Questers Dare to Change Your Job and Life, is for you. This inspiring, life changing book, will give you knowledge and strategies to develop courage, confidence, and resilience to control your personal and professional life. Questers Dare To Change Will Give You: Proven strategies for keeping your options open and staying focused on available opportunities. Smart tactics for dealing with challenges and risk when you need to. Key decision-making... ...Readmore

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